In botany, the coconut is the fruit of cocos nucifera -Arecaceae's fam- which is to say the coconut palm. The latter is a long-lasting and powerful plant, typical of countries with warm-temperate climate. Native to Indonesia and a symbol of the Pacific Islands, coconut palm is widely cultivated in India, Thailand, Mexico and Brazil. Coconut palm is a robust monocotyledonous tree able to reach even high heights (30/40 meters). The plant survives in hostile environments, in sandy soils and resists to elevated degrees of salinity. The entire trunk, columnar and slender, is covered by ring-shaped scars of fallen leaves and racemes. The apical leaves, pinnate and up to 5 metres long, form a crown. The inflorescences, formed by small groups of yellow flowers, are spadiciform and racemose. The fruits are the coconuts, oval and voluminous drupes, weighing 0,5-1,5 kilos each: every drupe is wrapped on the outside in a smooth exocarp, a fibrous involucre -mesocarp- in the median part while the endocarp is very hard and woody.