Bio Logistic


Biologistic was founded in 2007 after a few decades of experience in the organic food raw materials.


This adventure originates from the need to put everyone - big companies, medium and small - in conditions of being able to stock raw materials necessary for the processing of organic products.


Already known on the market, the representatives are credited by the best transformers and packers, but for logistical problems they are not able to reach everyone.


Thus, our idea is to create a logistics where the preferential channel is constituted from the companies represented by COMINTER.

Latest News

Khorasan wheat in four episodes

16/04/2020 - 

Khorasan wheat in four episode…

1 episode: khorasan wheat and its known origin 2 episode: Its origins from bibliographic research 3 episode: The selection of an "Italian" seed 4 episode: The chain project Without doubt this is the cereal...

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Gluten sensitivity

09/03/2020 - 

Gluten sensitivity

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The new European Regulation for natural flavourings in organic food

09/03/2020 - 

The new European Regulation fo…

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